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Letters To Quit

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Recommendation Letters

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Resume Examples

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Thank You Letters

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SSN Long Term Care Caregiver Jobs AR Arkansas

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The Council and those providers and advisors affiliated with us are dedicated to helping the American public plan for long term care. This site is a comprehensive resource for long term care planning. You may print any of the articles for your personal use. The providers in the categories on the left-hand panel are also here to help you with all your planning needs.

Because, at least 60 percent of people over age 65 will require some long-term care services at some point in their lives. And, contrary to what many people believe, Medicare and private health insurance programs do not pay for the majority of long-term care services that most people need - help with personal care such as dressing or using the bathroom independently.  Planning is essential for you to be able to get the care you might need.

This site provides a wide range of information and options to help you plan for future long-term care needs, but it can't tell you which ones will work best for you. Everyone's situation is different. Carefully review these options and your unique situation before making your planning decisions.

Information is primarily intended as an information and planning resource for individuals who don't yet require long-term care, but it includes information on services and financing options that can be helpful to all individuals.

Long-term care is a variety of services that includes medical and non-medical care to people who have a chronic illness or disability. Long-term care helps meet health or personal needs. Most long-term care is to assist people with support services such as activities of daily living like dressing, bathing, and using the bathroom. Long-term care can be provided at home, in the community, in assisted living or in nursing homes. It is important to remember that you may need long-term care at any age.

You may never need long-term care. This year, about nine million men and women over the age of 65 will need long-term care. By 2020, 12 million older Americans will need long-term care. Most will be cared for at home; family and friends are the sole caregivers for 70 percent of the elderly. A study by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says that people who reach age 65 will likely have a 40 percent chance of entering a nursing home. About 10 percent of the people who enter a nursing home will stay there five years or more.

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