Social Service Network

New Mexico

 Job Opportunities Cover Letters Job Descriptions Letters To Quit Recommendation Letters Resume Examples Thank You Letters Interview Ideas Assisted Living At Risk Youth Clinics Group Homes Hospitals Nursing Homes Retirement Communities Local services programs jobs volunteer and internship opportunities!

New Mexico Jobs

Social Service Jobs, Social Work Jobs, Counseling Jobs,  more!

Cover Letters

Great letters to help you find that job you seek

Job Descriptions

Descriptions of various Social Service, human service & health care opportunities

Letters To Quit

Want to let your current employer know you are leaving but want to leave on a good note? Give a great 2-weeks notice!


Recommendation Letters

Have previous or current employers who want to see you succeed and move on to the next level? Here are some sample letters of recommendation for you!

Resume Examples

Not sure how to create your resume in your own image? Here are several ideas for you!

Thank You Letters

 Thank the employer after the interview

Interview Ideas



Social Service Network
Social Service Jobs, Social Worker Jobs, Social Services Employment, Human Service Jobs
Social Service and Mental Health Programs and Services



SSN Delinquent Delinquency Neglected Child Teen Jobs NM New Mexico

Meetings Careers, Jobs, Information, Programs


  1. When a young person commits an act that would be considered a crime if he or she were an adult, the case is brought to the Juvenile Court.
  2. Punishment is not the purpose of juvenile proceedings.
  3. The process is structured to ensure the youth accepts responsibility for the behavior that brought him or her to the court.
  4. A primary goal is for the youth to use available resources to develop skills to avoid getting into trouble in the future.

All people entering the court go through security screening at the courthouse entrance. Security staff will require a search of all possessions. Pockets are emptied and each person must pass through a metal detector. Any dangerous items or potential weapons will be confiscated.

There may be many hearings scheduled in different courtrooms at the same time. The courthouse may be crowded. Arrive early enough to have time for meeting with people before the hearing.

Check in at the Family Court Clerk’s Office or wait as directed by the security officer.

If the family has not hired a private attorney, the youth may be assigned a public defender. The public defender will want to talk to the child alone prior to the hearing, and may want to speak with the parents.

The State’s Attorney may want to talk with the parents prior to the hearing.

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New Mexico Alamogordo NM; Albuquerque NM; Bloomfield NM; Carlsbad NM; Clovis NM; Deming NM; Farmington NM; Gallup NM; Hobbs NM; Las Cruces NM; Las Vegas NM; Portales NM; Roswell NM; Santa Fe NM; Shiprock NM; Silver City NM; Socorro NM; Taos NM; Tucumcari NM; Bernalillo NM; Catron NM; Chaves NM; Cibola NM; Colfax NM; Curry NM; DeBaca NM; Dona Ana NM; Eddy NM; Grant NM; Guadalupe NM; Harding NM; Hidalgo NM; Lea NM; Lincoln NM; Los Alamos NM; Luna NM; McKinley NM; Mora NM; Otero NM; Quay NM; Rio Arriba NM; Roosevelt NM; San Juan NM; San Miguel NM; Sandoval NM; Santa Fe NM; Sierra NM; Socorro NM; Taos NM; Torrance NM; Union NM; Valencia NM.

Serving the following areas: Abuse Prevention Jobs, Acute Care Programs, Adult Day Care Centers Programs, Adult Protection Jobs, Alcoholic Recovery Jobs, Alzheimer’s Jobs, Dementia Jobs, Anti Gang Jobs, Task Force Jobs, Assisted Living Programs, Independent Living Programs, At Risk Youth Jobs, At-Risk Youth Programs, Autism Jobs, Autism Training, Baby Sitting Jobs, Behavior Disorder Jobs, Behavioral Management Programs, Behavioral Health Jobs, Bereavement Programs, Grief Loss Bilingual Jobs, Bilingual Programs, Bloodborne Pathogens Classes, CADC Jobs, Certified Alcohol Drug Counseling Jobs, Camp Counselor Jobs, Camps Centers, Campground Jobs, Career Counseling Jobs, Career Counselor Jobs, Caregiver Jobs, Advocacy Jobs, Caregiving Programs, Case Aide Jobs, Case Manager Jobs, Case Management Jobs, Certified Nursing Assistant Jobs, CAN, Chemical Dependency Jobs, Child Abandonment Programs, Child Neglect, Child Abuse Jobs, Child Neglect Jobs, Child Care Centers, Child Care Jobs, Child Predator Programs, Childcare Jobs, Day Care Jobs, Clinical Intake Jobs, Intake Coordinator Jobs, Clinical Supervisor Jobs, Clinics, Cocaine Programs, Crystal Meth Programs, Corrections Jobs, Corrections Programs, CPR Jobs, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Jobs, Criminal Justice Jobs, Criminology Jobs, Criminal Profiling Jobs, Criminal Profile, Crisis Intervention Programs, Crisis Management Jobs, Crisis Manager Jobs, CSI Crime Scene Investigator Jobs, Delinquency Programs, Child Neglect, Developmental Disability Jobs, Disabilities, Direct Care Jobs, Dispute Resolution, Relief Staff Support, Disabled Programs, Divorce Help, Domestic Abuse Programs, Spousal Abuse Programs, Domestic Violence, Embalmer Jobs, Cremation Jobs, Careers, EMT Jobs, Emergency Medical Technician Jobs, Family Counseling, Marriage Counseling, Family Shelters, Family Shelters, Women’s Shelters Jobs, Forensic Science Jobs, Pathology Jobs, Funeral Home Beautician Jobs, Funeral Home Jobs, Funeral Homes Director, Gambling Disorder Programs, Addiction Programs, Group Homes, Healthcare Jobs, Hearing Impaired Jobs, Impairment Deaf Jobs, Home Health Aide Jobs, Home Health Care Jobs, Hospice Jobs, Hospice Programs, Internships, Interpreter Jobs, Interpreters Programs, Job Coach, Coaching Programs, LADC Jobs, Licensed Clinical Social Worker Jobs, Local Associations, Clubs, Long Term Care Jobs, Caregiver Programs, LPN Jobs, Licensed Practical Nursing Jobs, Mental Health Counselor, Mental Health Therapist Jobs, Mental Illness Centers, Mental Health Programs, Mental Retardation Jobs, Handicapped, Methamphetamine Centers, Meth Programs, Morticians Jobs, Mortuary Science, Mortuary Beautician Jobs, Pediatric Care Jobs, Physical Therapy Jobs, Physical Therapist Jobs, Pre Employment Screening Jobs, Pregnancy Prevention Programs, Pregnancy Help, Prison Jobs, Prison Programs, Probation Jobs, Probation Programs, QMRP Qualified Mental Retardation Professional, Rehabilitation Programs, Rehab Jobs, Respite Care Jobs, Respite Care Programs, Retirement Programs, Retirement Communities, RN Registered Nursing Jobs, Sex Offender Programs, Sexual Predator Programs, Sexual Abuse Programs, Physical Abuse Programs, Sexual Assault Programs, Sheltered Workshops Jobs, Sight Vision Blindness Programs, Sign Language Interpreter Programs, Skilled Nursing Jobs, Special Ed Jobs, Special Education, Special Needs Programs, Substance Abuse Jobs, Chemical Dependency Jobs, Swimming Instructor Jobs, Swim Certification, Swimming Jobs, Lifeguard Jobs, Swimming Programs, Tactile Jobs, Tactile Programs, TBI Traumatic Brain Injury Jobs, Teen Programs, Terminal Illness Programs, Terminally Ill, Tutoring Programs, Tutor Jobs, Universal Precautions Classes, Vision Blindness Programs, Vocational Jobs, Voc Rehab Jobs Vocational Rehabilitation Jobs, Volunteer Programs, Volunteer Jobs, Vulnerable Adults Programs, Women’s Shelters, Youth Centers, Youth Counselor Counseling Services Jobs, Support, Social Service Jobs, Human Service Jobs, Health Care Jobs, Training