free resumes, cover letters and sample job descriptions

Cover Letters
Interview Ideas
Job Descriptions
Letters of Rec
Resume Samples
Termination Letters
Thank You


Free Thank You Letters

In today's highly competitive world, it is highly recommended you write and send a well-written thank you letter after each interviewer. This should be done soon after your interview. Keep it short and to the point. Why are you perfect for the job? How can you benefit the company? Why you feel this job will help you grow. A good letter might help you to beat out job candidates who are more or equally qualified, but who fail to send the thank you letter! Writing a thank you letter is also your second chance to include something you forgot during an interview.



Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3
Sample 4
Sample 5
Sample 6
Sample 7
Sample 8
Sample 9
Sample 10
Sample 11
Sample 12

Mike Mouse
201 Flower Lane
Anytown, MN 33333

April 20th, 2020

Mr. Mike Matters,
Masterson Great Shelter
6667 Opportunity Circle
Any Town, MN 55555


I want to thank you for taking the time to interview me yesterday for the position of Head Director of the Masterson Great Shelter. You, Mr. Masterson, and Dr. Piano exuded warmth and friendship and I know we could all have an excellent working relationship.

As I further studied the job description for the position, I grew even more confident that I could take the company to new heights of success. With the resources I've gathered, I am ready to hit the ground running with grant writing and all the other administrative duties. I also have a number of great ideas for community and media relations and am excited by your interest in bringing more community associations into the mix.

As I mentioned when we met, I would like to use my degree and journalism experience to enhance the company's identity while at the same time meeting the needs and expectations of the community. I believe I can make a significant contribution to the fundraising effort, and I am particularly interested in exploring several corporate donor programs.

I am convinced I could bring a new degree of organization to the company. More importantly, I'd like to get communications on track so that newsletters and invitations are sent out on a timely basis. I have some ideas for making the newsletter user-friendlier. I feel it is extremely important to maintain close communication between the board and director, and I am committed to doing so.

Ms. Matters, I thank you again for considering me for this position. I look forward to the possibility of working with you.


Sam Snudd


Social Service Network