free resumes, cover letters and sample job descriptions

Cover Letters
Interview Ideas
Job Descriptions
Letters of Rec
Resume Samples
Termination Letters
Thank You


Free Thank You Letters

In today's highly competitive world, it is highly recommended you write and send a well-written thank you letter after each interviewer. This should be done soon after your interview. Keep it short and to the point. Why are you perfect for the job? How can you benefit the company? Why you feel this job will help you grow. A good letter might help you to beat out job candidates who are more or equally qualified, but who fail to send the thank you letter! Writing a thank you letter is also your second chance to include something you forgot during an interview.



Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3
Sample 4
Sample 5
Sample 6
Sample 7
Sample 8
Sample 9
Sample 10
Sample 11
Sample 12

Pete Patter
201 Flower Lane
Anytown, MN 33333

April 20th, 2010
Mr. Mike Matters,
Slider Physical Therapy
6667 Fantastic Circle
Any Town, MN 55555

Dear Mr. Matters:

Thank you for the interview for the social worker position today. I appreciate the information you shared with me and enjoyed meeting Ms. Dabbling from the physical therapy department.

My interest in working for Slider Physical Therapy is stronger than ever, and based on your description of the position, I know I can do a good job for you.

I will contact you by Tuesday of next week to learn of your decision.



Sam Snudd


Social Service Network